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Ointment, First Aid

DYNA Antiseptic Cream Kulit Terbakar/Gigitan Serangga/Memberi Kesan Antiseptik/Luka Kecil 15g

EXP DATE : 03/2025 or 03/2027

- Contain : 15g per tube

- Reg. No : MAL19910635X



- Indikasi : Untuk kulit terbakar, luka kecil, gigitan serangga. Memberi kesan antiseptik dan penyejukan kepada kulit.

- Indication : For burns, boils, minor wounds and cuts and insert bites.

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Dyna Tolnaftate Cream /Gatal gatal Kurap 15g

EXP DATE : 12/2025 or 09/2027

- Contain : 15g per tube
- Reg. No : MAL19910644X

Treatment of tinea capitis, tinea cruris, tinea corporis, tinea manuum, tinea pedis and tinea versicolor.
- Indikasi : Untuk tinea krusis, tinea manuum, tinea versicolor, panau dan kurap kaki.

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DYNA Yellow Lotion/Ubat kuning (30ml)

EXP DATE : 05/2027 or 12/2027

Use as antiseptic for minor cuts, wounds and burns.

Sebagai antispetik ,untuk merawat luka-luka kecil dan kesan terbakar yang ringan

Cara guna :

Sapu pada tempat berkenaan apabila perlu.

Untuk kegunaan luar sahaja.

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Hurix's Krim untuk Sakit Kulit (13g)
EXP: 09/2024

Traditionally used for relieve itchiness, discomfort due to skin itchiness, itchiness on the gap of fingers and toes, rash, insect bites, minor cuts, burn, bruises and it helps in skin recovery.

Application: Clean the affected skin, apply this cream gently and thoroughly 3-4 times daily.
Hurix's Krim Luka Aloe Vera (13g)

Traditionally used for relief of minor cuts, minor burn and help maintaining healthy skin.


Clean the affected area then apply this cream gently 2-3 times daily until it heal.

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